Morgan Hill receives two grants to bolster decarbonization plan
By Brittney Sherman
The City of Morgan Hill adopted a Climate Action Plan (CAP) in 2021, which included a key central goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by reaching carbon neutrality by 2045 and working toward this goal through several sub-goals, action items, and planning efforts. Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) awarded the City two grants, which strategically align with the CAP goals.
The first grant will help fulfill the CAP goal of "converting all municipal buildings to "all-electric" by 2035" through the development of a new "all-electric" Fire Station and interpretive meeting area in the adjacent park space. The City's new Fire Station is anticipated to open in late 2024. The second grant will help implement the CAP's outreach, education, and engagement initiatives by supporting community activities related to climate change.