The Morgan Hill Property Business Improvement District (MHPBID) will provide Clean and Safe programs, Capital Improvements, Art Installations, Marketing, Special Events, and related Management and Administration directly and only to assessed parcels within the Downtown boundary. The goal of the MHPBID is to maintain the Downtown District as a safe and inviting environment, attract more tenants and shoppers, increase property values and stabilize occupancy. This private/public partnership will have the ability to leverage parcel owners’ investment with additional public investment to provide the financial resources necessary to develop and implement a focused strategy to support existing and future businesses and patrons in Downtown Morgan Hill.
What Is A PBID?
PBIDs have been used throughout California since 1994. They are an assessment district which provides additional services, beyond what the City would normally provide, within a defined area. The services are funded by an assessment on real property, which appears on property tax bills. PBIDs provide funding to keep the district clean, safe and an inviting environment. The services provided by the PBID are chosen by property owners and are customized to fit the needs of the district. All services are designed to provide direct benefits to those who pay into the PBID. Typically, PBIDs improve the overall viability of commercial districts, resulting in higher property values and sales volumes. There are over 200 PBIDs throughout California.
What Services Will The Downtown Morgan Hill PBID Provide?
All services provided by the PBID will be in addition to the regular City services. PBID services must be carefully tailored to benefit the property owners paying the assessment. They will only be provided to properties paying the assessment. Possible services include:
· Increased Security
· Enhanced Sidewalk Cleaning
· Increased Lighting
· Increased Parking Lot Maintenance
· Graffiti Removal
· Decluttering of sidewalks
· Holiday Decorations
· Improved Landscape Maintenance
· New Directional/Wayfinding Signage
· Art Installations
· Blight Reduction
· New Events & Programs
Who Manages It and How Long Does It Last?
Pursuant to an agreement with the City, a non-profit, private organization formed for the sole purpose of improving Downtown Morgan Hill will manage the services provided and the MHPBID. Annual MHPBID work plans and budgets are developed by a board composed of stakeholders that own property in Downtown Morgan Hill. Improvements and activities provided by the MHPBID are subject to private sector performance standards, controls, and accountability. Typically, a District will be formed for five years, after which it will automatically expire unless renewed by property owners. A district can be renewed for a maximum of up to 10 years.
How Can the PBID Grow Existing and Future Businesses?
· More activity attracts more people which increases rents and property values creating more business opportunity, more activity and street activation.
· Customers and residents may feel more comfortable and safer within PBIDs that have less obvious signs of litter, graffiti, and abandoned cars.
· Areas that have successfully implemented a PBID are attracting a larger number of visitors to that area than the residential population.
· A stronger sense of place that accompanies cleaner streets encourages patronage and has increasingly positive repercussions in PBID areas.
· PBID areas experienced greater, on average, yearly reductions in the number of robbery, violent, and total crimes that non-PBID areas do.
The MHPBID includes parcels north of Dunne, east of Del Monte, south of Main, and west of Butterfield, as shown on the map below.
The assessment rate (cost to the parcel owner) is based on parcel type, parcel square footage, and linear frontage. To determine a parcel’s assessment, the applicable square footage and linear front footage rates in the tables below are applied to the parcels within the MHPBID. Frontage rates are applied based on a parcel’s frontage street. Frontage rates are applied to parcels fronting East 3rd St, after Monterey Rd. intersection, Monterey Rd., and Depot St. The initial annual assessment rates are shown below.
Parcels located within the District that are categorized as commercial, government or nonprofit are subject to the assessment. In addition, those parcels that have frontage on Monterey Road, E. 3rd Street and Depot Street have an additional “frontage” assessment above the standard rate.
Parcels that are categorized as single family, multi-family, or open space will not be assessed.
12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
City Hall Grand Conference Room
11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
City Hall Grand Conference Room
September 19, 2022
Review the Powerpoint Presentation
March 2, 2022
Watch the PBID Presentation recording below
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