Get the 411on business opportunities in Morgan Hill
We've done a lot of work to better understand the opportunities for growth in our community — and what we need to do to help businesses take advantage of them.
We've done a lot of work to better understand the opportunities for growth in our community — and what we need to do to help businesses take advantage of them.
As part of the process for updating its Bikeways, Trails, Parks and Recreation Master Plan, the City of Morgan Hill commissioned a specific study on the City’s sports tourism market. The study served two primary purposes. The first was to estimate the economic impact of the City’s two primary regional sports facilities, the Morgan Hill Outdoor Sports Center and the Morgan Hill Aquatics Center. The second purpose was to provide recommendations to support the City’s sports tourism efforts.
Strategic Economics provided an updated analysis of the industrial and retail commercial market, to guide the city’s future land use planning on commercial and industrial lands. The report summarizes the supply and demand for vacant lands to support employment uses, including industrial, R&D, and office, and retail commercial uses.
As part of the work on the Morgan Hill 2035 General Plan update process, the City of Morgan Hill embarked upon a telecommunications infrastructure report. Tellus Ventures Associates was contracted to develop an infrastructure report to help advise the City in terms of policy and partnership opportunities in telecommunications infrastructure.
The City has evaluated existing and future parking needs in Downtown Morgan Hill on several occasions; in 2002, 2004, 2006 and in 2008. In 2008, a Downtown Parking Resources Management Strategy (DKS Associates) was developed in conjunction with the preparation of the November 2009 Downtown Specific Plan (full Downtown Specific Plan).
With the City preparing to experience development of several downtown properties, new public investment in three active public park spaces, parking capacity in Downtown Morgan Hill Hill has again been assessed in 2016. The 2016 Downtown Parking Conditions Study is an update to the 2009 Downtown Parking Resources Strategy report.
On July 15, 2015 the City Council accepted a Hotel Market Analysis by Hotel Appraisers and Advisors (HA&A). The Study shows that Morgan Hill has 13 hotels (we know have 14 since the publication of the report) that provide 792 rooms. Out of the 13 hotels, two (2) are considered upscale, three (3) upper-midscale and eight (8) economy class. Four brands are represented in Morgan Hill.
The opportunity: Morgan Hill hotels are demonstrating sustained strong performance, with strong occupancy and ADR (average daily rate) recovery. Furthermore, Morgan Hill hotels have strong weekly occupancy patterns (compared to national trends), which indicate that there is a substantial un-accommodated demand.
The key focus of the Downtown Specific Plan is to modify certain land use regulations in order to make future development in the Downtown more feasible, which will facilitate achievement of the community’s vision for Downtown. The Downtown Specific Plan was adopted by the City Council on November 4, 2009.
On July 27, 2016, the City Council adopted the Morgan Hill 2035 General Plan. The General Plan is a comprehensive, long-term plan for the physical development of the community. It represents the city's determination of the amount, type, and timing of development needed to achieve the city's social, economic, and environmental goals.
The Downtown Placemaking Strategy provides the framework for selection, programming and funding of Morgan Hill public infrastructure and place-making improvements including those creating welcoming, attractive and accessible spaces crucial to the success of the Downtown.
Michael Baker International analyzed railroad crossing “Quiet Zone” in the City of Morgan Hill at the request of the City. Quiet Zones are an exemption to the rule requiring trains to sound their horns when approaching public highway-rail grade crossings. A quiet zone may be a section of rail line at least one-half mile in length that contains one or more consecutive public grade crossings or a single public grade crossing at which locomotive horns are not routinely sounded. The study analyzed four at grade railroad crossings near Downtown Morgan Hill.
Strategic Economics prepared an Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis report on certain proposed industrial land conversions in Morgan Hill. In 2015, Strategic Economics updated the 2013 report, adjusting the calculation of available industrial land and buildings to accommodate future employment growth in Morgan Hill.
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