We’re here to help. Really.

It’s our mission to help you succeed

A former president once joked that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Sure, the conventional wisdom is that government can be more of an adversary than an advocate, but like so many things in Silicon Valley, we’re here to disrupt the status quo and challenge the conventional wisdom.

If you’re looking to move or expand your company, you want a city that wants your business. For us, that’s more than just a slogan: it’s our mission. We’re here to create a pro-business, pro-development environment in an affordable, family-friendly city with a dynamic and diverse business community, space to grow and amenities to grow fond of.

Drop us a line and we’ll prove it to you.


Morgan Hill Economic Development
17575 Peak Avenue
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

Email Economic Development
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Business Programs

The City offers a comprehensive list of partnerships, activities and programs designed to help your business grow. 

Housing Programs

The City of Morgan Hill’s mission is to continue a legacy of improving and preserving affordability, and creating safe, quality rental and ownership housing for residents and employees at all income levels.


Market Studies

The City of Morgan Hill regularly procures studies and research to udnerstand market trends and inform polilcy and land use decisions. These reports help the City improve decision making and often provide rich insight into the local business ecosystem. 

Economic Blueprint

The City of Morgan Hill has identified four key industries that are key to the city's long term economic sustainability and a short term plan to help these industries thrive in Morgan Hill. 

Marketing Materials

The City has prepared marketing materials for visitors, developers and investors, and residents to easily navigate our Downtown, find parking, locate the nearest winery or recreation area or learn about the City's demogrpahics and investemnt opportunities.


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