Housing Programs

The City of Morgan Hill’s mission is to continue a legacy of improving and preserving affordability, and creating safe, quality rental and ownership housing for residents at all income levels. Over the past 40 years, the City has used its land use authority and resources to create over 500 affordable home ownership units through its Below Market Rate (BMR) program and over 1,000 affordable rental units.

Housing Resource Guide

This guide offers a comprehensive overview of Housing Service Programs and Affordable Housing Facilities.


Rental Rates and Income Tables

Affordable Housing serves households at various income levels based on household size. Affordable rental opportunities usually serve households in the lower income and below categories.  



There are more than 500 homes in the Below Market Rate (BMR) program, with new units added annually. For interest in purchasing a home, please visit the City’s Housing Ownership page.



There are more than 1,000 affordable rental units in the Below Market Rate (BMR) program. For apartment or home rental availability, please review the BMR Rental Housing List.



The City of Morgan Hill’s Affordable Housing Programs are operated in partnership with HouseKeys. Program Applicants (Buyers & Renters) and Program Participants (Owners & Tenants) can access information about all programs and availability through the City’s dedicated BMR website.


2022-2024 Housing Projects

A total of 2,900 housing units are currently in the pipeline for construction over the next two years. Click on the map to find the location and number of units for each housing project.

Residential Development Movie Reel

Watch the Movie Reel for an overview of citywide housing projects coming soon or currently under construction.

Housing Element Plan

The City is in the process of updating the Housing Element of the General Plan for the 2023-2031 period as required by State law. The Housing Element establishes policies and programs to address Morgan Hill’s existing and projected housing needs for all economic segments of the community. The first step in this process is to ask community members what they see as Morgan Hill’s most important housing needs.

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