
Downtown District looking to fill two Board vacancies

By Brittney Sherman Downtown, Community, News, programs

Downtown District looking to fill two Board vacancies

Do you live, operate a business, or own property within the PBID District? The Downtown Morgan Hill Improvement District (DMHID) board of directors currently has two (2) Board vacancies and is seeking eligible and interested candidates. To be eligible to apply to become a DMHID director, you must be the owner of an assessed property within the Property Business Improvement District (PBID), a business owner/operator in a PBID-assessed property, or a resident within the Downtown Assessment District. Board member applications will be accepted between April 15 - May 15, candidate interviews will be conducted in late May and June, and the successful candidate(s) will be approved in July or August. Visit the DMHID website to learn more about the organization and start your application.

In November 2022, the City Council approved the formation of the Morgan Hill Property Business Improvement District (MHPBID) in Downtown Morgan Hill. The purpose of the MHPBID is to provide improvements, maintenance, and activities which constitute and convey a special benefit to the assessed parcels within the Downtown District. To manage the Business Improvement District, the assessed property owners have formed the Downtown Morgan Hill Improvement District (DMHID), a 501c6 non-profit organization, to manage the PBID.  The DMHID Board Directors will develop and implement a focused strategy that supports the purpose and goals of the MHPBID.

Have questions? Contact City of Morgan Hill Economic Development Coordinator Brittney Sherman at

downtown, pbid, programs

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