
City Launches new Permitting Tool

By John Lang programs, News

City Launches new Permitting Tool

The City of Morgan Hill is excited to announce the launch of OpenCounter, a web-based tool, allows entrepreneurs to concentrate on their primary purpose: starting a business and creating jobs. The tool helps entrepreneurs interested in starting a business in Morgan Hill to identify a location, understand the required approval process, and estimate City fees associated with setting up shop. The platform is accessible in both English and Spanish. 

 “Small businesses play a vital role in the Morgan Hill economy”, says Mayor Steve Tate. “A high priority in the City’s Economic Blueprint is to grow business investment in Morgan Hill. Small businesses contribute to local charities and community efforts along with providing jobs and revenue to our City. OpenCounter provides clarity about the City entitlement process and fees for the business community.” 

Online and accessible 24/7, OpenCounter has been designed for those individuals starting a business who need to learn basic city regulations (zoning), potential permitting requirements (building permit, use permit, business license), fees, and other departmental and agency requirements. The online tool interacts with users by asking questions, in the right order, so business owners see the requirements and fees specific to their use and location.

The OpenCounter platform also collects metrics on new business development activities to help inform the City’s economic development strategies, including which neighborhoods or districts have the most activity, what kinds of business uses are being established, and the number of jobs being created. “This information is valuable in shaping Morgan Hill’s new economic development policies and programs,” says Assistant City Manager, Leslie Little.

business programs, supporting business

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